Featured Project


In many historic districts, homeowners are required to keep their home’s appearance in line with the district’s history. Sometimes that means choosing certain materials over others that could provide better durability and functionality. Recently, we had a customer that was required by their historic district to have wood gutters, but wanted durable and higher-volume gutters. He knew aluminum or copper gutters would have better durability and self-maintenance, but his option was hindered by historic restrictions.


To solve his dilemma, our certified experts and production team came up with a plan to install gutters with volume that would comply with historic district regulations. Our solution was to install lead-coated copper gutters with a thin wood profile. It would be the same size as a wood gutter, but with the durability of a lead-coated copper gutter and appearance of a wooden gutter. After receiving an approval from the historic district, we installed the gutters and everyone was happy!

What Do I Do If My Home is Historic But I Want to Change My Gutters?