Press Releases

We’re Proud to Announce the Promotion of Bob Scribner to General Manager

Since 2001 Bob has displayed an expert prowess when it comes to running our company on the production side, showing his superior knowledge of the product, training sales, process, and all other functions of the job. He is a great leader and an inspiration, and he displays true professionalism in every sense of the word. Simply put, there is no one better to take on this new role as General Manager.

Over the years, I think it can be easy for employees to settle into their job and start to become a shadow of what they once were.  This is NOT something I can say about Bob. Even after 16 years, he still continues to humble me with the level of his commitment, creativity, knowledge, and passion for the business. Bob is an absolutely vital member of our team. Where he truly excels is in the areas that you can not necessarily teach and that is his ability to motivate, resolve issues and maintain an environment that his workers and customers all want to be a part of.

Jake Sprague

He has excelled with making sure projects are completed quickly and effectively, and his ability to bond with our customers has fostered many long-lasting relationships. If you look at any of our company’s reviews, there’s a pretty good chance you’ll see Bob mentioned by name.

This promotion will allow Bob the opportunity to bring the standard of excellence with which he has ran our production staff to the company as a whole. We’re very excited to see where his knowledge, perspective, and skill can take us.