
Top 3 Questions about Rain Gutters

"Top 3 Questions about Rain Gutters" over a roofing contractor installing rain gutters into a roof.Every homeowner needs to be educated about gutter systems to prevent unwanted structural damage to their home.

With rain season in the forecast, now is the best time to check in on the health of your gutters. Lingering debris and leaves from fall and winter pose a threat to your home. When rain gutters become clogged, rainwater flows over the edges of your gutters and pool around your basement. It is a recipe for disaster. Homeowners can prevent clogging by doing regular gutter cleaning. But as time goes on, gutters can begin to feel the wrath of weather. Once strong aluminum gutters can become brittle after years of ice dams. Because homeowners cant easily see the damage to their gutters, it is recommended to hire a professional roofing company to provide an expert inspection of your gutter system.

One of the main obstacles can occur when the gutters on your roof need attention. Chances are you’re not a repair expert when it comes to fixing gutter systems and don’t have the slightest clue how to go about restoring these vital components. If you do happen to know something about rain gutter repair solutions, it’s still a good idea to confirm what needs to be done with a leading company with an outstanding reputation in the field. Take a look at typical inquiries regarding rain gutter services that could be beneficial to your housing needs.

1. How Do I Know it’s Time to Install New Rain Gutters?

Roofing contractor installing copper gutters into a slate roof on a home in Brookline, MA.

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to witness gutters literally falling from your rooftop in order to know that it’s time to make a change. There are several tell-tale signs that can help you come to the realization that the issue needs to be addressed.

For one, gutters that pull away from the house indicate that there’s an overload of debris inside them or the boards that they’re connected to have started deteriorating. Another obvious symptom is the makeshift crawlspaces or nests of tiny critters like birds and squirrels which eventually weigh down your gutter system and clog water access to your basement. Strangely, the evidence doesn’t have to come from high up, either; if you notice ground erosion in your yard, this could mean that your gutter is no longer successful at transferring water far enough away so that it doesn’t touch the immediate surroundings of your home.

2. Are There Alternatives to Rain Gutter Installation Services?

There are several choices you can make, in terms of which rain gutters work best for your housing needs. While metal and vinyl gutters are common picks, they’re also pretty plain-looking and aren’t always considered the most durable solutions. Copper gutters, on the other hand, add a touch of style and sophistication to your house because of their fancy leader heads and custom-built systems.

Alternatively, if you’ve had enough repair services and have decided to go gutter-less, it’s important to know what options are at hand. Rain dispersal systems, for instance, break down rainwater and guide it away from the house in miniature showers. It’s designed to effectively keep your house from being infiltrated with water while simultaneously beautifying your home’s exterior makeup.

You can even opt to have a ground-gutter system installed. Also referred to as inground gutters, these components consist of a trench that extends from the roof’s foundation to its drip line. The trench is lined with a waterproof membrane so it can capture the rain that travels down the side of your residence. A drainpipe is then placed in the bottom of the trench, and wash crushed stone holds its water in place, giving it an aesthetic appeal while also keeping drainage at a distance from the house.

3. Do I Need a Rain Gutter Downspout?

Copper downspouts installed by a roofing contractor in Newton, MA.

The purpose of rain gutter downspouts is to ensure that water doesn’t overwhelm your property. That said, it’s best to invest in these parts because going without them could eventually lead to some costly issues later on down the road. Most professional contractors place downspouts at the outside corners of the house and occasionally add one in the long run, depending on the size and placement of your property.

If rain gutter downspouts are not installed, the water in your gutters will flow over the edges and pool around the edges of your foundation. This is one of the tops causes of basement flooding. If you are a homeowner with a basement and receive frequent rainfall, installing downspouts is vital for your roofing system.

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